Microblading and Tattoo
Corrections Certification
Did you know that 30 – 40 percent of your inquiries have already had microblading or tattoos and are in desperate need of microblading and tattoo correction?
Many studios will only take virgin brows leaving people with past pigmentation with few options for corrections.
A corrective treatment can double your microblading fee.
Don’t miss this amazing opportunity!
We do not train microblading during this course it is a corrections course only. Microblading knowledge is necessary to take this course.
Please note:Microblading And Tattoo Corrections Certification
Microblading has become a household name, with hundreds of microblading providers popping up in every city. Starting a semi-permanent makeup business is easy in the state of Texas with many people on their way to becoming talented artists. Did you know that Texas law requires a microblading artist to provide their fee of $927 for the tattoo license and a microblading certificate only? No proof of the work or talent of the art itself. This means that consumers can be booking microblading artists that have no experience working on actual clients.
On the way to greatness there is undoubtably mistakes and missteps. There are more learning artists in this emerging industry than established artists.
Microblading mistakes and poor applications are everywhere in the industry with a multitude of people left with bad experiences and results. Numerous microblading companies will not accept anyone that is coming from another studio or has had a botched job. If you have seen the words “Virgin Brows Only” on competitor websites before reaching this page it is because virgin brows are easier, undoing and re-doing less than perfect past pigmentations and old tattoo needs to be done by someone who has experience.
How do microbladed or shaded brows still end up solid looking like tattoos? Microblading and shading is a delicate art implementing pigment into the superficial layers of the skin. These are the epidermal layers just under the skins surface. When too much pressure is used and the technique is not applied precisely the brows can appear tattoo like, dark and solid as the pigment was implemented deeper that the semi-permanent makeup process requires. In may cases the fading of a botched job can be increased for the brows to be light enough to cover.
Microblading or any skin pigmentation is an art. All art requires practice to become an industry leader. An industry leader will have a robust understanding of skin pigmentation and how it behaves. Once skin has been pigmented and then needs to be pigmented again there are increased variables. If the existing color is now grey, blue or red a color correction may need to be applied first bringing it back to brown as the starting point. As the color brown fades out of the skin the brow may turn red, blue or grey. This could be either a tattoo or microblading
These red, blue and grey brows in many cases can be corrected with a structured correction process.
Add 30 – 40 % More Business Instantly Taking On Other People’s Work!
Microblading And Tattoo Corrections Certification
Microblading is hairstrokes in the skin while ombré powder brow is pigmentation and pixelation. A microblading treatment is done with a manual tool and the ombré powder brow treatment is done with a machine. The ombré powder brow technique is taught on day 3 of the Microblading and Powder Brow Certification. Below are some examples of microblading , ombré powder brows and combo brows.
Microblading And Tattoo Corrections Course Schedule
Correction Pigments
BrowBeat Studio Microblading Certification Information request